Columbia-JED Campus Objectives

Columbia Live Well | Learn Well

Ensure incoming students with health histories are supported in their transition to college.

Columbia is committed to implementing mechanisms to help connect students with health services earlier in their transition to college, in order to help provide individual support and education about campus resources to ensure that students who need help actively seek it out.

Working Group Members: 


Melanie Bernitz
Associate Vice President/Medical Director, Columbia Health


Colleen Eng
Physician, Columbia Health Medical Services

Martine Duplan
Ambulatory Care Nurse, Columbia Health Medical Services

Sara Berger
Associate Director Operations, Columbia Health Counseling and Psychological Services

Laura Dayan
Associate Director, Student Case Management, Columbia Health Disability Services

Nelson Andujar
Clinical Systems Analyst, Columbia Health Information Technology

Matthew Evan Linsky
Student, School of General Studies

Robin Taylor
Clinical Case Manager, Columbia Health Medical Services

Jaclyn Hawkins
Health Promotion Specialist, Alice! Health Promotion

Matthew Evan Linsky
Student, School of General Studies

Peter Wise
Student, Columbia College